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National Childcare Scheme
The national childcare scheme (ncs)
The National Childcare Scheme is a new government funded Scheme that provides finacial support to help parents meet the costs of childcare.
For more information regarding this scheme please go to You may be entitled to a childcare subsity which will lower the fees at Bellview Woods Childcare.
The NCS will replace all existing targeted childcare support programmes and the current universal childcare subsidy by 2021.
The Early Childhood care and education programe (ECCE)
The Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Scheme provides early childhood care and education for children of pre-school age. The scheme is offered in early years settings (pre-schools, Montessori’s, creches, playgroups) for 3 hours a day, 5 days a week, 38 weeks of the year.
All children are entitled to 2 full academic years on the ECCE scheme.
The programme will be available to all children who have turned 2 years and 8 months of age before September 1st.
The ECCE scheme will not be affected by the NCS and will continue to operate alongside the NCS.
For more information on the ECCE scheme and eligibility please go to